Wednesday, March 4, 2009

the phases of life

Allow me to delve in the disgusting to dance along the lines of the putrid. It has abruptly came to my attention that our youngest child has entered a new phase of life. He has graduated from the black sludge of birth to the explosive experiences associated with a new born. Yes he has entered the all to fun vacuum stage. How do i know he has entered the before mentioned phase of life well; by the prizes i have found in his dipper i have found amongst the disgust of baby wast marbles ,popcorn seeds ,hair and small Barby shoes to mention a few. Although the shock this phase of life may bring to parents one must be positive: at least he is doing his part to help with the house work


  1. Too true! He is probably the only one doing house work.

  2. Well, at least he is doing his part. Maybe by the time he is older he will be great at cleaning.
