Sunday, March 8, 2009

date night (also see jennys blog)

I like to watch people. on this particular occasion i observed the slob. a sweet waring, dirty shirted, kmart special shoed, basement dwelling, gamer, who's presences at this restaurant could only be accredited to his winning of a radio promotion. the yuppie couple who are posers and really have moderate jobs and live at home because their clothing expenses are so high this meal will go on the credit card. the exhibitionists who's piercings and tattoos rival those of bullet riddled gang signs. (and why is it that such people give you the stink eye when you stare in disbelief is not the point of body modification to stand out just saying) the pleasant couple with children who decided a night out was in need. the sweet elderly couple with several grand children and years of joy to share. then the grumpy old people who scoff children and should really never go out and should receive meals on wheels just to help with there general disgust of anything loud, spicy, bright. happy or nice
in this setting we enter the red lobster a spot rarely frequented by us and only possible by the generous gift of saints. as we sit i notice the before mentioned individuals scattered around our table. the evening proceeded as fallows. jax a normally enjoyable child i think sensed the opportunity to be the center of attention. i for one am not comfortable in such a situation but apparently jax has no qualms. he began with the noise the shrieks and grones, yips, and yelps ,the yums ,yawhos, bellers, and cries none of which are strange for jax and the volume at which he reached wasn't strange perhaps it was the timing. anyhow he reached such a fevered pitch even the slob wail pounding back his lobster took notice. i don't think i need to tell you the grones and wailing and gnashing of teeth the grumpy old people were spewing. truthfully is it bad of me to enjoy anoing the social elite. the highlight t of the evening is when wail wondering why our cute loud son was gnawing with vigor at the edge of the table i rubeb my hand under the edge to discover that jax with his two lower teeth was working on dislodging the old chewing gum that was so stealthily stuck there. at this discovery and with my acclamations the happy people laughed and the anoing people gagged and all were happy except jax who after much work didn't get his full reword.

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing that people forget how they had acted at that stage and can't be considerate for others to go through that stage.
