Sunday, April 5, 2009

you tell me

what can you learn from an eye brow.

i draw your attention to the irregular eye brow hairs pay no attention to the hauntingly gorgeous eyes that penetrate into your very soul

i propose you can tell a lot from the eye brow think of the stern full brow of a dictator or a tyrant such as Lennon or pulpot or even clinton

i have noticed the ratty unkempt brow of brilliants consider Einstein for example a man so brilliant that eye brow care is far from his forethought

now consider the well groomed brow well maintained by waxing or plucking dose not this indicate hiding or putting on a facade putting up a fake face.( woman don't count just men)

what is to be said about the uni brow i fill it speaks for itself it jumps right out there its bold daring and a little neanderthal

just some thoughts so maybe you to will consider the brow and give it the notice it deserves recognize its prominence its importance because with out one or two in some cases you would probably look different.

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