Tuesday, February 24, 2009

g strings

I have a few words to say about g strings (i am only mentioning this becouse it was recently broght up in my wifes face book) ... first word (irritation) why would any one give them selves a wedgy..... second (laundry) you may think why laundry, well when to maintain some decency whail speaking of a gross subjuct laundry seems to work,, to me laundry is dirty, stinky, and when it is underclothing it is usally crusty.. i dont think i need to say more ecept not being a perticipant in the g string fad i am not sure but do you throw them away after one use? if not laundry. ....third (slut) yes the undies of the hoe, the tramp, the jesibell ....fourth (fire) this one as well is pritty self explanitory and once again never having partoke of the practice of self butt crack mutilation i am only gessing with this one.... (liers) i have been told they are cofortable and i gess i could see how they could be if you had 100 pair woven into a substantial pice of clothing. ....last i hope i have not offended any one who reads this becouse if i have that would mean you wear a g string and i could no longer shake your crusty string infested hand sorry.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

the roge eyebrow

i dont spend a great deal of time in frount of a miror(ya i know insert joke here). i find there is realy no great need, what i got is what i get and it aint gona get better. with this information i probably shouldn't get upset when my lovaly wife tuggs at a roge eyebrow hair now and again but i think i have the right to mention something about the were and when. for example not a good idea to yank a hair wail your spouse is trying to fix the heater and he is up to his elbows in hot sharp objects and then chew him out for his colorfull language then mentioning that you missed and slink in for anouther try, not cool. it is also uncooth to grab a fist of eye fuzz just as you exit your auto before church. although tears are often spilt an the sabath the torent unleashed from savear eyebrow trama just makes you look silly as you enter the church. so wifes of the world be kind to your shaggy husbands we will have roge hairs and it apears the older we get the more frequent the accuranse. thank you

my answer to vegitations and global worrming

In answer to the scientists who say becoming vegitarian with decrease global worming gasses. Yes that is interesting, so in other words we are to stop killing animals and eat only vegies. well lets wrap some logic around that. first you stop killing animals dosent that mean there are more animals thus more global worming? second we should eat more vegies which take more fertilizer, more tracters, more labor, thus more global worming gasses? third i dont know about you but my output of global worming gas increases greatly if i eat more veggies thus contributing to glabal worming! in essence we are better off keeping things as they are thus no increase of global worming gasses.

now i happen to take the stand of antiglobal cooling and pro global wormming. let me explain. lets just say we, me and you and all other peaple on the earth can change the enviroment then ask yourself the question do you want it cooler or wormer. i vote wormer.

i would like to know what the corect tempature of the earth is any way. who are we and how arrogent are we to think we are the speicies the earths tempature is ment for .. what happened to evalutiion servival of the fittest, what the earth dosen't count in that equation. isnt that hipocritical .

my true fellings on global worrming is its a farce a lie a ploy to meet an political agenda and the mindless atomatons that are falling in line with the cookie cutter poloticions and there agendas will get what they want, being led threw the mire by a bull ring to political inprisonment

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

hello every body i am a blogger not a boogger a blogger i blog therefore I T. I will no longer put any funny or important stuff on my facebook page i dont trust them so here is my outlet my vent my brain dump.
first thing i noticed is there still is no spell check for that i am sorry i am realy tired right now so blaa blaa blaa spankey blaa baa baaa naa blaa.
just think if we have such controle over the weather i propose that for only a small fee i will either drive extra or not depending on what weather you desire. i would do that for you thats the kind of guy i am for only a small fee.


Mike needs a page to put his random thought so here it is...

Mike's Page

So this is Mike's wife, Jenny, setting up a blog for him because he needs a place to journal his thoughts.